Lynnie and the Gentle Dragon
and get these free bonuses!

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Bonus Materials

Bonus 1
Space Clearing For a Happy Home
In this fun LIVE INTERACTIVE WEBINAR, you will learn how to:
- Connect with angels to cleanse and protect the energy of your home.
- Have your children and family members connect with angels for healing and protection.
- Simple techniques for clearing the energy of your space that don’t involve smudging.
- How to positively charge the energy of your space anywhere and anytime.
(Yes, you can do this in the office, airports and even public bathrooms!) - Discern what objects need to be removed from your environment, and what will benefit you.
- Clear the energy of objects from negative imprinting.
- Create light grids in your home and anywhere you go!
These simple, life-changing techniques will benefit everyone in your family, and help you stay grounded, positive and happy in your home and wherever you go!

Bonus 2
Crystal Attunement Guided Meditation for Children
by Elizabeth Harper
Go on a beautiful crystal infused journey with a beloved light being to communicate heart to heart with one of earth’s most precious sparkly treasures. You’ll receive guidance from the crystal’s consciousness about its purpose in your life and your work together. Before returning you will receive a special and meaningful gift from the light being by your side.

Bonus 3
Raising and Educating Youth with an Abundant Mindset" course
by Julie Kleinhans
Did you know that there are certain ways that each of us are programmed with a mindset that causes us to believe in lack and limitation? And if we don’t change this for ourselves, we pass this mindset on to our kids. But it doesn’t have to be this way and today’s kids are asking for more!
This set will teach you how to:
- Identify and release your lack-based thoughts
- Create an abundant mindset for yourself
- Begin raising and educating your kids to possess an abundant mindset
- Recognize the automatic ways that we think negative and what to do to turn it around
- Identify common beliefs that teens and young adults hold that are based in lack and limitation and how to turn them around.

Bonus 4
DNA Restoration and Upgrade Kit
by Alicia Isaacs Howes
No matter how old you are, you probably know what it’s like to have fears, reactions, thoughts and habits that seem to sabotage your dreams, goals and best of intentions, no matter how much you want them.
Are you ready to clear outdated programming that gets in the way of graceful ease and flow in your day-to-day living? Whether you picked it up in the womb, through your physical or spiritual ancestry, mass consciousness, cultural history or something else, your DNA RESTORATION & UPGRADE KIT can help you delete, restore and even upgrade the code buried deeply in your cells.
Listen to this 45 minute guided journey and complete the optional answer sheet so you can feel clearer, lighter and more at home in your body and this planet than perhaps you’ve ever felt before!

Bonus 5
Lynnie & Friends Coloring Pages
Bring this enchanting tale to life with as you add your own color to these printable coloring pages!